#2133 Another Rollabind Book using a Recycled Greeting Card. Laminated the cover with Xyron and used...
#2132 Tiny Rollabind Note Books made from recycled greeting cards. I cut the card front out and...
#2130 Rollabind Book Rubber Stamp Journal filled with blank pages and indexed with tabs. Darcie Bee...
#2129 Darcie Grad Bear Grad Guest Book Using Rollabind Template on the Links Embossed Paper from...
#2128 Darcie Baby Boy Bear Rollabind Craft Cover 6"x6" Pre-printed Scrapbook Paper Watercolor Pencils...
#2127 Peddlers Pack-Wedding Couple Wording from Computer Font on translucent vellum. Guest Book...
#2126 Darcie Baking Bear R4125 Darcie Printed Paper DJ Doodlers Font for Wording Cotman Watercolor...
#2125 Darcie Grad Bear Frame Ann-ticipations Grad Cap and Diploma Hero Arts Happy Graduation Embossed...
#2119 Another recycled greeting card. This shows that you can adjust the hole placement on the desk punch...
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