#2592 A second option to color application is reverse shading. Apply color with a heavier hand to the...
#2590 Dip your blending tool into the Gamsol, and with small circular motions, touch the blending tool to...
#2589 You can also add darker areas of the same color to create shading. Notice where the added color is...
#2587 This is a close up of the shading that has been blended. Small amounts of pink have also been added...
#2586 This is a closeup of the balloons. Additional color has been added to create the shaded areas.
#2585 Finished Design Highlight color can also be added around the edge of the design. A pale yellow,...
#2552 Download PDF of this template for printing. Download Adobe Reader to view PDF docume
#2539 close up details My son has made me a blank Chart for pencil colors to use when working. It...
#2537 close up detail for reference. My son has made me a blank Chart for pencil colors to use when...
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