#7483 Our little China Doll.
#7482 Naomi is 2 months old already!
#7463 Latest picture of Naomi.
#7441 She is actually awake for this one!
#7440 3 weeks old already!
#7436 12 days old! Her parents are still alive. Good thing.
#7430 8 Days old.. She is sleeping 5-6 hrs at night already! THAT isn't fair! But then...
#7429 Naomi- *5* days old! She looks just like my son.He was a very cute baby
#7428 Our beautiful Naomi. 4 days old
#7421 It's a GIRL! YAY! Our beautiful new granddaughter was born one hour ago in...
#7060 Here is what *I* got for Christmas this year! My youngest son Jordan and his wife Wen,...